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Impact Network | Impact Network

Welcome Message From John Eckhardt

John Eckhardt, Founder & Presiding Apostle
IMPACT Network Global

Recognized as an Apostolic General with a global voice, John Eckhardt’s mission is to impact nations with the gospel by equipping men and women from around the world to walk in their God-given purpose and fulfill destiny. As a senior pastor and a successful author of over forty books including Destroying Rejection, Prophetic Activations, Prophet Arise, New York times best seller Prayers That Route Demons with over a million copies sold, Prayers That Break Curses, and God Still Speaks, his passion to see others used by God to their greatest potential is seen in every aspect of his ministry.

Dr. Shirene Anderson

IMPACT Network Global Coordinator

Dr. Shirene Anderson is an ordained Prophet and serves as the Coordinator of the IMPACT Network. Dr. Shirene has served at Crusader’s Church Chicago, Illinois for the past 24 years under the dynamic leadership of Apostle John Eckhardt who is the founder and Senior Pastor of Crusaders Church, Chicago. Dr. Shirene has worked in many facets of ministry and missions as she has tirelessly worked to advance the Kingdom around the globe. As a result of her 24 years of service, Dr. Shirene has traveled to over 30 nations and taken over 180 delegates in diversified capacities to minister to God’s people.